VB 6 Tag

NET.GELINK 3.0 Release

INGEAR.NET.GELINK has been updated to version 3.0 and contains the following improvements: Updated licensing DLL for stable operations on Windows 7 and x64 Updated install set for Visual Studio 2010 Stricter enforcement of Tag.Name property Updated INGEAR.NET.Interface.dll Improved COM Interop wrapper DLL VB 6 Data...

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INGEAR.NET or ActiveX for Allen-Bradley Runtime Free HMI Development. What’s the difference and how to choose.

Frequently we are asked what is the difference between the INGEAR Allen-Bradley Studio ActiveX and INGEAR.NET PLC class libraries such as INGEAR.NET.ABLINK and INGEAR.NET.LOGIX and which one should I chose. What they are, and what they are not First off, what they are not.  INGEAR.NET for Allen-Bradley...

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