NetBook Computer Winner for Oct 15, 2009 – Dennis Tindall

NetBook Computer Winner for Oct 15, 2009 – Dennis Tindall

Congratulations to Dennis Tindall of for being selected as our winner to receive an Acer Aspire One netbook computer for our October drawing.

If you have not entered the INGEAR Netbook give-away, please do you now, you still have 2 more chances to win.

About Dennis Tindall:

Dennis is an independent BSEE contractor that provides system integration, controls and software development services for global customers.

According to Dennis “one of the major opportunities with today’s machine data collection systems are polling or ‘Pull’ strategies.  Generally, software providers develop systems that utilize a plant server and/or local PC to continuously poll machines at a periodic frequency and ‘Pull’ data from a PLC.  This approach limits the amount of data that can be collected,  as well as  placing a premium on network bandwidth . When process cycle times approach one second intervals, this  architecture begins to fail.

One solution to this problem implements an embedded system that buffers data at the machine or PLC level.   The embedded system connects directly to the PLC, using INGEAR.NET class libraries where  PLC  data is analyzed then stored to a database.  This  architecture can  ‘Push’ groups of data to a plant sever at maintainable and consistent frequency, permitting collection, analysis, and storage of detailed machines data approaching 30 millisecond  update rates. Additionally, this system architecture can buffer data in the event that the plant server becomes unavailable”.

Dennis is currently developing a Silverlight database application front end, with a Visual Studio 2008 embedded back end.

Dennis Tindall can be reached at

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