INGEAR.NET with Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010

INGEAR.NET with Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010

As the world anticipates the release of Windows 7 this fall (October 2009), followed by  Visual Studio 2010 (sometime in 2010),  the question begs to be asked is “Will myVisual Basic .NET and C# run? ”.  The answer is a great big YES.

Windows 7 (x86 and 64-bit)

We’ve tested the following INGEAR.NET PLC class libraries on Windows 7 RC.  We do not anticipate any issues when Windows 7 is offically released.

Visual Studio 2010 (x86)

There were no problems migrating existing our Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 existing projects to Visual Studio 2010.  When we created a new Visual Studio 2010 project, the INGEAR class libraries did not appear in the list of available assemblies in the Add Reference… dialog.  We needed to Browse… the Program FilesINGEAR.NET folders to add them to the project.   This is a minor problem related to the install sets and will be corrected by the time Visual Studio 2010 is officially released.  As this time VS2010 64 bit is untested.

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