INGEAR.NET for Visual Studio on 64-Bit Windows Operation Systems

INGEAR.NET for Visual Studio on 64-Bit Windows Operation Systems

INGEAR.NET PLC communication class libraries are compatible with 64-Bit Windows operating systems such as Windows XP 64 and Windows Vista 64 (as well as the highly anticipated release of Windows 7) .    However, there had been some manual file copying performed because the install program did not recognize the 64-bit platform.  As of the posting of this blog, INGEAR.NET.LOGIX install set has been updated for 64-bit Windows, with the other INGEAR.NET software titles following suite.

Our testing on 64-bit Windows showed a permission alert the first time the License Manager applet was run, leading to license error.  Once the 64-bit OS was re-booted there were no additional errors and License Manager behaved as expected.

For more information see:

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